Frequently Asked Questions

After Register

1Minsa, when will we get our LoA? Where will it be sent?
2Minsa, I registered one week ago, but why haven't I received my LoA and Invoice yet?
3Where do you upload the competition file?
4I want to pay the registration fee but how come I can not find the invoice? and where is the payment transferred?
5Minsa, I have already paid the registration fee. Where can I upload the proof of payment?
6When will the receipt be sent to us?
7Minsa, one more week for judging, how come I have not received my teams presentation schedule yet?

During the Event

1When will the presentation schedule be given by the committee?
2What application used for online presentation? Zoom, Google Meet or something else?
3When will the zoom link be given by the committee?
4how many zoom accounts can join and what should i set my name
5how long will the participants make the presentation?
6How many judges will come to the offline participants booth?
7Can we tidy up our booth after being judged?

After the Event

1When will the winners be announced?
2Where can we see the winning results?
3When will the E-certificate be sent?
4When is the online delivery of participant certificates?
5Where can we get a supervisor certificate?
6How to do medal doubling?